Cerakote BBR Pistol Grip
OptionCERAKOTE BBR|AR-15Standard A2 Pistol GripCERAKOTE BBR|AR-15Polymer Pistol GripCerakote BBR Ambidextrous Safety Selector OptionCERAKOTE BBR|Eagle lite AR Ambidextrous Safety Selector | SSL-VCERAKOTE BBR |EagleLite AR Ambidextrous Safety Selector | SSL-E AR-15 Lowe..
$56.99 $109.99
Complete Kit Includes:Standard Trigger GuardSemi TriggerSemi HammerSemi DisconnectorSemi Safety SelectorBolt Catch SpringDetent SpringBolt Catch BufferTake Down DetentBolt CatchMagazine Catch SpringBolt Catch Roll PinMagazine Catch ButtonMagazine Catch Front Pivot PinHammer SpringTrigger SpringPisto..
$49.99 $91.99
Features:Smell detents and springs that are commonly lost during
maintenance or modificationIncludes:Bolt Catch SpringBolt Catch Roll PinBolt Catch Plunger/Detent (BC-3)Buffer Tube Retainer PlungerBuffer Tube Retainer Spring (DS)Disconnect Spring (DISC-S)Magazine..
$7.99 $16.99
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